Hey, Luke here.
I come bearing bad (yet familiar) news about the Roland TD-27 v2.10 update and the custom kits available on this store. Don't let that put you off buying though - I've got a couple of simple fixes that affected customers can use to quickly resolve these issues and continue playing!
Check out the video below for a visual guide.
I've included a written guide below with information about the bugs, how to check your software version and how to fix the problems. Feel free to jump straight to the solutions.
The Bug & Info
When loading custom kit files (.TD0) to a module running software version 2.10, some settings are not loaded correctly which can cause various issues with the kits' sounds. This affects all of the TD-27 kits on The eDrum Workshop store (and any other kit files that utilize the settings below), though the extent of the problem differs based on the kit.
To check the software version on your TD-27 module, go to SYSTEM > INFO. In the first tab PROGRAM, you will see the listed "System Program Version" number.
If your System Program Version is 1.10 or 1.11, these bugs will not affect you. A second set of files are provided for v1.10 (also compatible with 1.11) in a second zip folder named "1.10 Files (Old)" provided with your download
If your System Program Version is 2.00, these bugs will not affect you. The first set of files you see when opening the download folder will work on your module as intended
If your System Program Version is 2.10, these bugs will affect any kits that you load through the 1 KIT LOAD menu while your module is running this software version.
Note: If you load a backup file that contains custom kits previously installed on v2.00, these kits will not be affected by these bugs. It appears that the bug only take effect when loading an individual kit .TD0 file through the SD CARD >1 KIT LOAD menu
Currently I cannot update the kit files to fix this for you - saving a new version of the kit on v2.10 doesn't resolve the problem. This appears to be a module software issue that Roland will need to resolve and release a fix for.
The Solutions
I will embed a video guide for the fixes below when it is ready, but in the meantime here are the settings affected and how to fix them -
Setting: Mix Balance
This setting always defaults to D:0 W:100, regardless of the values set when the kit file was saved and regardless of the compression “Type” used
The DivineLamb B kit from the Famous: METAL pack should have a Mix Balance setting of D:70 W:30. When loaded to TD-27 v2.10, the values become D:0 W:100
The majority of kits will sound a bit different than intended or to their demo videos, but minimally so. DivineLamb B however is affected heavily - it sounds quiet, distant and very compressed.
The fix:
2) Highlight "Mix Balance" and change the values
3) For the DivineLamb B kit, use the dial to change the values to D:70 W:30
4) For all other kits, change the values to D:10 W:90. This is a good "average" setting that should be very close to the intended sound on all kits.
Setting: Fade End
Fade End value is not correctly retained and will change to a value that is 40 higher than the saved Fade Point value
DivineLamb B was created with -
Snare Head Zone – Fade Point: 56, Fade End: 127+4
Snare Rim Zone – Fade Point: 92, Fade End: 127+4
When loaded to v2.10, the values will be set to
Snare Head Zone – Layer Type: FADE2, Fade Point: 56, Fade End: 96
Snare Rim Zone – Layer Type: FADE2, Fade Point: 92, Fade End: 127+5
The fix:
2) Ensure that the "H&R" button is enabled so that the head and rim zones will be linked.
3) For any instruments with that show "Layer Type: FADE2", highlight the Fade End parameter and change the values to the following -
Kick - Fade End: 100
Snare - Fade End: 127+10 (for digital USB pads), Fade End: 127 (for analogue/jack connected pads)
Toms - Fade End: 110
AUX percussion or "wires off" snares - Fade End: 127
Cymbals (The eDW House Kit only) - Fade End: 127
Although not all kits use these values, these are a good "average" starting point that avoids the need to adjust individual custom settings for every kit.
There is one other setting affected by this bug - any kits created with "Layer Type: XFADE" in the SUB INST menu will swap to "Layer Type: FADE2" when loaded on v2.10. No kits on The eDrum Workshop store use this Layer Type setting so these are not affected.
These small tweaks should solve the majority of problems with the kits from this store.
Thank you for your patience on this matter. As soon as this issue is fixed at the software level, I will update this post. If any kits file require updated, I will do this as necessary and send the new link to all TD-27 customers.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out via the contact form on the store.